The Hub of Hope - Am I Really Stuck?
Rhaea Goff Rhaea Goff

The Hub of Hope - Am I Really Stuck?

Life has this uncanny ability to throw curveballs just when we think we've found our groove. BAM! Everything we've built seems to crumble in an instant. It's as if life has its own script, and sometimes, we're just characters caught up in the chaos. "LIFE is LIFE-NG!”

Have you ever felt like you're stuck in a recurring cycle of chaos? It's not just me, right? It's like hitting replay for the 350th time and wondering why things keep going off track. 

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Rhaea Goff Rhaea Goff


It’s Sucks!!

Yep, you read it right. Sometimes, life just sucks. And you know what? It's perfectly okay to acknowledge that without trying to sugarcoat it or find a silver lining right away. Let's be real—when we're going through a tough time, the last thing we want is someone minimizing our feelings with a "look on the bright side" pep talk.

As a friend or family member, it can be tempting to jump in with advice or share a similar story of overcoming adversity. But what most of us truly crave in those moments is someone who will simply sit with us in the mess and say, "Yes, it does suck."

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